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Writer's pictureMichele Groulx

My Story, Widowhood & Holistic Skincare

I never thought that becoming a widow at a young age would end up being one of the most powerful teachers of my life. It had me questioning everything. Everything about life, purpose, money, relationships, career, etc. etc. We are all here and then we are not. So what is the purpose of all of this? I still don't know, and don't want to be overly philosophical about the whole thing, because tbh, becoming obsessed with that question is just a waste of time. Instead, I learned to follow the nudges, the synchronicities, my intuition, and my life has become almost unrecognizable from what it was 6 years ago. I still have so much to learn and unravel. For instance, I still feel like I need to be doing, constantly. I struggle with social anxiety. I still need help directing my focus. At the same time, I acknowledge how far I have come and how bad ass I am for getting here. I am damn proud of myself.

My Skincare blog will probably not be your average skincare blog. It's going to have posts about my life, skincare, soul care, and navigating the shit storm of life post hubby dying. Plus, dating post widowhood and the growth of my current relationship.

I know I start it off with that doozy of a first paragraph, but I need you to know I understand what a shit hole of a chapter in life can actually lead to and become. Becoming a widow, and now a Holistic Skin Therapist, are two of the last things I thought I would add to my list of personal characteristics in my lifetime. But here we are! I can't say I wouldn't have it any other way (because that is impossible, and thus irrelevant), BUT I am aware that things happen in life to us that weave through our beings and help us create in ways we couldn't imagine - as long as we are open to listening to the omens that appear along the way (If you haven't read The Alchemist by Paul Coelho - I suggest adding it to your list).

and SKIN! yesss I will be talking (mostly) all about skin and how to help you navigate the insanely confusing world of skincare. But I won't sugar coat it, I will be weaving in some heavier topics, some lighter ones, and a little soul care TLC.

We will be chatting:

  • how to build a solid skincare routine

  • ignoring the marketing noise and reharnessing your intuition

  • how your stress levels and soul path affect your skin

  • different ingredients and how they can work for you

  • the magic of Corneotherapy

  • my life post Evan

  • my life with Brandon

  • and a ton of other topics

I want YOU to be involved with this, so always send me your requests for me to dive deeper into. I know in this world where we have information coming at us 24/7 it's sometimes nice to sit down for a longer read (but, I won't make any of these TOO long because I ain't that girl).

Remember, lovely, you are your greatest teacher. The journey within becomes the journey we see out. Your skin, and your relationship with it, is a beautiful way to harness your own becoming, and be able to live the shit out of the life you have while you are here.


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